Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rose Petals!

I worked a long day - 7:30am - 8pm. But it was kind of worth it. I had a really good day and it was highlighted by the fact that I got a ton of rose petals. I started off the morning with a 40 rose petals from one family! I ended up with 135 rose petals for the day!! I know that I won't even get that many for the week, but it still makes you feel good. I also had some really fun families. I had Princess Madelyn and her brother Prince Chicken (I asked what he wanted to be called and that is what he told me lol). Their parents were both middle school teachers and they were awesome! I could have talked to them forever. They were just so enthusiastic about the whole thing. And their kids were precious. I wanted to take them home. I had a lot of cool dudes today as well. The two that stood out were Prince Harry and Prince Luke - they were from London. It was so fun listening to them talk. They talked to me about football and Prince Luke got the Liverpool team colors in his hair because that is the team he supports. Then it was Prince Harry's turn and the family was talking to him. It was hilarious because they kept saying Harry and all I could think of was Harry Potter. I feel really bad because whenever I have people from a British accent I always seem to try to copy them and I don't mean to and I don't want them to think that I am making fun of them. 

We finally closed and I headed to Kristen's birthday dinner with Sam and Kate at Bahama Breeze. There were a bunch of our FGITs there and we just sat around and talked. I left early with Sam because I was so tired from work. When I got back to the apartment, Jess and I went to WalMart and got ice cream and rented Bolt. Bolt is a really cute movie! I actually really liked it. Rhino was my favorite! He is so cute! After the movie we just headed to bed.