Sunday, April 12, 2009


I got up early this morning so I could cook an Easter meal. I made mashed potatoes, carrots, pork tenderloin, rolls, and green bean casserole. Ebonee, Lindsay, Jess and I all ate together around 11. I think every thing came out pretty well - or at least they said it tasted good. We ended up spending a lot of time on youtube watching videos. Ebonee had to go to work so everyone ended up leaving. So I put in a movie and cleaned up the kitchen. I also had to clean the apartment a little bit because we have cleaning inspections coming up. 

In the afternoon I was going a little bit stir crazy and needed to get out of the apartment. As I was walking out to go to Downtown Disney, I ran into Lindsay who was doing laundry. She ended up joining me. We got some ice cream and then just walked around and window shopped. Later, Adam joined us. He grabbed some ice cream as well. When we left, we happened upon a dance competition going on at the little stage thing they had set up. The final two teams were these two teenage white girls on spring break and these two indian kids from Orlando. Well the little indian boy was hilarious. He was so intense and had some killer dance moves that Lindsay and I are totally going to use next time we go dancing haha. This kid could not have been more then 10 and the sad thing was that he ended one of his routines by flipping the other team off. Wow I would be proud to be their mother. After the indian kids were crowned the winners, we all left. I went home and went to bed because I was pretty tired. It was definitely not a normal Easter, but it was still a fun one!