Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleeping Beauty and Creepers

It was Fairy Tale Mania at the BBB today. I think I only did 1 diva out of all the princesses I had. I did have one little girl dressed up as Tinkerbell, who did get a fairy tale, and when I turned her around screamed "OH! I love it!" Thank always makes you feel good. Ebonee and I were really excited because for once we actually got to work together again. We dominated a chair for a while. While Ebonee was on tea, I got this girl with the curliest hair I have ever seen. Luckily, Margarita was there, and I was able to grab her and she worked her Margarita Magic and turned it into a beautiful fairy tale. There is no way I would have been able to do that. 

Today Ebonee and I had our first sleeping beauty. I was barley able to finish her make-up before she fell asleep. It was the cutest thing. It ended up Ebonee had to hold her head up while I finished her Diva. At one point I had to hold her head and mid switch her head almost slammed backward into the chair, but I caught her at the last second. The mom was laughing the whole time because it was so darn cute. We were whispering because we didn't want to wake her up. When we finished the mom just carried her out and she was still asleep. She was in for a big surprise when she woke up. We put extra pump it up on there to make sure it wouldn't be messed up when she woke up. 
The princesses just went downhill from there. I had little girl with no hair and a bitchy mom. To top it off, I don't know what that kid had for lunch, but that was the smelliest princess ever. It was pretty gross. The night ended on a high note when one of Carolyn, Nora and Alex's friends named Ed, who is a lifeguard somewhere, got a cool dude. Of course they had to make it where it was all girly colors and went way overboard on the pixie dust. It was all pretty hysterical. Too bad he had evaluations for face the next morning and I doubt he got all the pixie dust out of his hair. 
After work, Ebonee, Alex and I all went out to BWW's. (All the single ladies or no one but Ebonee haha) It was karaoke night. We ran into some other FGITs there and I somehow got roped into to singing Tearin' Up My Heart by NSYNC with all the other FGITs that were there. There was this one guy in the front row that Ebonee serenaded the whole time, but I guess he got bored and moved onto me, but I was not nearly as into as Ebonee was so he went back to her haha. After the Karaoke, there were these creepers hanging out by us and they sandwiched Ebonee between them. She was pissed, but then Alex jumped on bored and we were all just cracking up. Ebonee was not happy with us, but it made for a good picture.