Friday, March 6, 2009

PIxie Dusting in The Land

Work was pretty fun today. Ebonee and I got to walk around Fantasyland and pixie dust people. FINALLY!! We ended up signing a bunch of autographs and taking a bunch of pictures with people. By the end of it, we were both COVERED in pixie dust. Thank you wind. Also, Ebonee decided it would be a good idea to basically empty a pixie wand on my back. There is still pixie dust coming out of  my locker. The other exciting thing was when I brought a little girl back to do her reveal for her outfit, I asked her what the magic words were and she said "Please and Thank you." haha. It was adorable. 

Once I got off work, I went back to the apartment and just hung out for a bit. Then I went up to Ebonee, Alex and Brenna's apartment, which is two stories above Brian's. The night ended with some shenanigans and some funny stories. Overall it was a good night