Today I spent most of the day waiting on Dad to get done with Sigma Chi initiation and bring me back my car. So I just laid around. Ebonee came over and we tried to come up with a list of ideas for our costumes for Carolyn's birthday party. I think we settled on Anastasia and Drizella - the step sisters from Cinderella.
Dad finally brought my car back around 5, which was about the time we needed to get going. So Ebonee joined Dad and I at Roy's for dinner. We ordered some sushi and a couple different appetizers. They were so good! They had this tortellini that was amazing. I also found the first sushi that I liked. Ebonee also liked it. It was a pretty hilarious meal - we made friends with one of the chefs so we were asking him questions all through out our meal. We were sitting at the bar. We also thought we might be sitting near Gene Hackmen, but sadly it was not him. We finally had to say goodbye to Roy's and we took Dad to the airport. We said goodbye and then I just came back to the apartment. The rest of the night I just watched movies and was still lazy and then I went to bed!
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